Friday, March 13, 2015

Problem of Practice: Part One

Problem of Practice: Toxicity in the School Environment - I don't know of a single teacher at my school who isn't currently looking for another job due to their feelings of mistrust toward administration and not being treated as professionals.

A: 5 Whys? Root-Cause Analysis

Why?: Our Board of Directors and Superintendent push through initiatives where teachers have no say and are therefore not supported by teachers.

Why?: The Superintendent believes she has all of the answers when it comes to changing test scores.

Why?: The Superintendent has very little classroom experience but believes what she did in her classroom was the "right" way to do things.

Why?: She relies on her limited knowledge of what it takes to change the school environment.

Why?: Because that is what she knows and does not want to open up to other ideas.

B: A Why-How Ladder

Link for Clearer Viewing: How-Why Ladder

C: Point of View Activity

MadLib: School needs to improve attitudes and school culture because currently the environment spins out of control with grumpiness as a wolverine on a Tilt-a-Whirl.  

Want Ad: Optimistic instructional coach seeks phenomenal school-wide happiness. Characteristics MUST include collegiality, willingness to share ideas, professionalism, and open-mindedness. Downers and gossips need NOT apply.   

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